Publishing Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
In order to make a form available to site participants, you must first publish it.
To publish a form, access the Forms tool and follow these steps:
1. If the Manage Forms page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
2. On the Manage Forms page, find the form you want to publish.
3. Optional: Click Edit to ensure that the information for the form is complete and correct. From the Edit Form page, click Preview to verify that the form structure and layout is correct. Make changes as needed, and save the changes before proceeding.
4. Return to the Manage Forms page and click Publish for the form you want to publish. Sakai displays the Publish Form confirmation screen.
5. To proceed with publishing the form, click Yes. Sakai displays the Manage Forms page. The Site State for this form is changed to "published." Or, to return to the Manage Forms page without publishing the form, click No.