Portfolios Home Page
This page defaults to a list of all portfolios you have permission to view. By selecting one of the additional tabs at the top, you can view just your own portfolios or portfolios that have been shared with you. Under the tabs you can select the appropriate link to show portfolios that are not hidden, hidden, or both. If any list is longer than one page, use the buttons on the right side above the list to display other pages.
- To display the first page of the list, click First.
- To display the previous page of the list, click Previous.
- To display the next page of the list, click Next.
- To display the last page of the list, click Last.
At the top of this page are two links.
- Create New Portfolio (Click here every time you want to create a new portfolio.)
- Permissions (Click here to change the default permissions for the portfolio tool.)
The following information is provided for each portfolio listed on this page:
- The portfolio name.
- The owner.
- The date it was last updated.
- A check if it is active, or viewable by those with whom it has been shared. (An inactive portfolio's name is faded to help identify those portfolios that are inactive.)
- A check if it has been shared.
- A tally of comments which you are allowed to view. Click the tallied number to view the comments. Space will be blank if comments were not allowed.
In addition there are different "Actions" that can be taken on any portfolio based on the permissions you have for that portfolio. These may include:
- Share
- Edit
- Statistics
- Download
- Delete
- Hide or Show