Editing Styles (For CIG Coordinators)
If you are a CIG Coordinator (site organizer or other user with permission), you may change the name, description, and .css file for any style you have created. You may also choose a different .css file for any unpublished style.
Caution: If you change a style that is already in use, you may cause problems for users that have designed their portfolios with that style.
To change a style, access the Styles tool and follow these steps:
1. If the Styles home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
2. Find the style you want to change and click the Edit link below its name. Sakai displays the Edit Style screen. The boxes on this screen show your current entries for this style.
3. Change entries as needed.
4. To save your changes, click Save Changes. Sakai saves the changes you have entered and displays the Styles home page. Or, to return to that page without saving your changes, click Cancel.