Associating Matrices with Sites (For CIG Coordinators)
In order to link an assignment to a matrix cell, you will need to associate the site in which the assignment resides with the Matrices tool in the site containing the matrix. Correspondingly, in order to link a cell in one matrix to a cell in another matrix, you will need to associate the site in which the second matrix resides with the Matrices tool. Normally the CIG Coordinator or owner of the site containing the matrix to receive content from an assignment or another matrix creates the association. Sites CAN be associated with themselves in order to link assignments to matrices or matrix cells to cells in other matrices within the same site. To a matrix in one site with assignments or matrices in another site, you must be a member of both sites.
In the site containing the target matrix (or matrices):
- From the Tool Menu, choose Matrices.
- From the main Matrices page, choose Manage Site Associations.
- Click Add next to the site you want to associate with the Matrices tool.
Note: If the site you want to associate is not visible on the screen, you can choose to show more sites using the drop-down menu, or use the arrow keys to display the next page. You can also search for a particular site by the site's title or ID. - You can continue to add sites one by one by clicking Add next to the site you want to associate. You can also associate all of the sites displayed on the current page by clicking Add All.
- Click Save when you are finished adding sites, and then click Yes to confirm the association.
- Once a site has been associated with the Matrices tool in the same site or any other site, any assignment or matrix cell in the associated site can be linked to one or more matrix cells in the site with which it has been associated.